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How to move into your new place effortlessly

How to move into your new place effortlessly

You finally found an apartment you love. You signed the lease and got your keys and now it's time to move in. You might think it's as easy as literally moving your items into the home, but you'd be missing out on some important steps. If you did not view the apartment with the Landlord on the day you moved in, please make sure that you inspect the apartment before moving your belongings into the home. Walk the apartment and take pictures and videos, because you can bet your Landlord did. Doing this step helps both parties be accountable for the apartment. If during your walk around you notice anything amiss, document it and let your Landlord know. Have you checked the utilities? Are they supposed to be in your name? Regardless if you or the Landlord is paying for the utilities, you want them to function efficiently. Do you have Renter's insurance, because you really should. The Landlord's insurance typically only covers the physical building, so if your upstairs neighbor decides to throw a pool party in their living room and floods your apartment and you don't have renter's insurance, you are out of luck. Get yourself a tight, stretchy, waterproof mattress protector so when you spill your cereal at midnight binge watching Bridgerton you have a lot less to panic about. Did you remember to change your address? Did you make a budget to ensure that all of your bills covered? if you have questions, ask your Landlord. We want you to be happy in your apartment, so if there is something that you're not sure of ask. It's better to be safe than sorry. Happy tenants=happy Landlords. The last and final suggestion is to sit back, relax and be proud of yourself. You did it! You're home!
